






Future Eclipses Coming To Australia

There are a total of 5 total eclipses over Australia in the 15 years between 2023 and 2038

The recent 20 April 2023 eclipse was the first and the other four will be in 2028, 2030, 2037 & 2038.

This map shows the paths of all five eclipses.

Michael Zeiler /

Below are animations and links to interactive maps showing the paths for each future eclipse.

Zoom in on the interactive map and click on any location to see whether the eclipse there will be total or partial and the times of the eclipse as well as other data. Note that the times are in Universal Time, but that can be changed to local time by clicking on the clock icon at the left hand side of the screen.

The animations below each interactive map show the path of the Moon’s shadows across Earth as would be seen from the Moon. The tiny black disk is the Moons shadow (umbra) tracking across the path of totality (yellow strip), and that is surrounded by the fainter circle of the penumbra where a partial eclipse can be seen. Universal time is in the upper right, and the instantaneous duration of totality is in the lower left corner.

2028 Animation

Click HERE for full size version

Animation By

2030 Animation

Click HERE for full size version

Animation By

2037 Animation

Click HERE for full size version

Animation By

2038 Animation

Click HERE for full size version

Animation By

2022 NACAA – Five Total Solar Eclipses coming to Australia